Saturday, July 12, 2008

KOG Bus Update!!!

Howdy KOGNation!

Well, we have it all worked out.
The new official date for the delivery of the bus will be Wednesday, July 23, 2008!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

KOG Bus!!!!

Howdy KOGNation!

I just got her!
A 1953 Park Royale English Touring Bus (double decker).
Can you say party top, and tailgates all over the United States?!

It's a diamond in the ruff, but boy oh boy she is going to be the center of attention at all events the KOGNation shows up to.

More updates and photos to come!

Johnny Ward
President & Founder

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Persistence Beats Resistance

In an effort to protect the innocent, I will leave names out of this KOGBlog....

My title for this go round is ... Persistence Beats Resistance. No guys, I am not talkin' about a recommendation for a new dating philosophy, because remember…

"The Keeper Always gets the girl!"

But I digress….

Lets just say, there has been some problems with the redirect of the website that you have the pleasure to view at this time at There are a number of reasons, but let's not get into those right now, because there could be some offensive language, feelings hurt, and the possibility of a lawsuit. :)

Have you ever heard the term "the squeaky wheel gets the oil?" Well, I was that wheel today. I called and emailed a number of folks to get the info I needed to be able to redirect everything myself, and get around one of our biggest problems in the process regarding the domain name transfer. I even called a couple of numbers two or three times.

So, here comes the theme of this email. I finally got to talk to the right person. The person with the knowledge and power to give me the info I needed to get the transfer to go through.

I am so pleased, the programmer is pleased, and you can darn sure bet the VP is pleased.

If you really want something, even if it is a small thing, sometimes persistence is all you need to get past all of the "NO's" that come your way.

This is the KOGNation signing off, and reminding you… Don’t let the heat control the meat!

How to order a beer in 47 languages

These are not words from the Keeper himself, but words that need to be posted and presented to the KOGNation!

How to order a beer in 47 languages

A public service from the Esperanto League for North America

Of course, carrying on a conversation is harder than ordering a beer. To learn a language, you probably have to study for years. Unless you choose a language you can learn four times faster. One that two million people around the world speak, one with hundreds of books and magazines, music, and a culture of international friendliness. And beer. Want to learn more?

A printable PDF version has 26 common languages and fits on one page.

Afrikaans 'n Bier, asseblief A beer ah-suh-bleef
Basque Garagardo bat, mesedez Gara-gardo bat mese-des
Belarusian Ad-no pee-vah ka-lee lah-ska
Breton Ur banne bier am bo, mar plij Oor bah-ne beer am boh mar pleezh
Bulgarian Ed-na beer-ra mol-ya
Catalan Una cervesa, si us plau Oona servayzeh see oos plow
Chinese 请给我一杯啤酒 Ching gay woh ee bay pee joh
Croatian Jedno pivo, molim Yed-no pee-vo, mo-lim
Czech / Slovak Pivo, prosím Pee-vo, pro-seem
Danish Jeg vil gerne have en øl Yay vil geh-neh heh en url
Dutch Een bier, alsjeblieft Un beer, ahls-yer-bleeft
English One beer, please Wun beer, pleez
Esperanto Unu bieron, mi petas Oo-noo bee-airon, mee peh-tahs
Estonian Üks õlu, palun Ooks ur-loo, pah-lun
Finnish Olut mulle, kiitos O-loot moolek kee-tos
French Une bière, s'il vous plaît Oon bee-air, seel voo pleh
German Ein Bier, bitte Ine beer, bitt-uh
Greek Mee-a beer-a paraka-loh
Hungarian Egy pohár sört kérek Edj pohar shurt kayrek
Icelandic Einn bjór, takk Ay-dn byohr tahk
Irish Beoir amháin, le do thoil Byohr awoyn, lyeh doh hull
Italian Una birra, per favore Oo-na beer-ra, pair fa-vo-re
Japanese ビ一ルを一本下さい Bee-ru ip-pon ku-da-sai
Korean 맥주 한잔 주세요 Mayk-joo hahn-jahn joo-se-yoh
Latin Cervisiam, sodes Ker-wi-see-am, soh-dehs
Latvian Vienu alu, l≈´-dzu Vyeh-noo ah-loo, loo dzoo
Lithuanian Prašau viena alaus Pra-shau vie-na al-lows
Maltese Wiehed birra, jekk jghogbok Wee-het bir-ra yek yoh-dzbok
Norwegian En øl, takk Ehn url tahk
Occitan Una cervesa, se vos plai Oo-no serbeh-zo se bus ply
Polish Jedno piwo, proszƒô Yed-no peevo proshe
Portuguese Uma cerveja, por favor Oo-ma ser-vay-ja, poor fa-vohr
Romanian O bere, vă rog Oh beh-reh ver rohg
Romansch Ladina Üna biera, per plaschair.

Oo-nuh bee-air-uh per plah-chair

Russian –ü–∏–≤–æ, –ø–æ–∂–∞–ª—É–π—Å—Ç–∞ Ahd-na pee-vah pah-zha-loosta
Sardinian Una birra, po piaghere Oo-na beer-ra po pia-gehre
Scots Gaelic Leann, mas e do thoil e Lyawn mahs eh doh hawl eh
Serbian Yed-no pee-vo, mo-lim
Slovene Eno pivo, prosim Eno pee-vo pro-seem
Spanish (Lat. Am.) Una cerveza, por favor Oo-na ser-veh-sa, por fa-vor
Spanish (Spain) Una cerveza, por favor Oo-na thair-veh-tha, por fa-vor
Strine Foster's, mate Faw-stuhz, mayt
Swedish En öl, tack Ehn irl, tahk
Twi Mame beer baako, mi pawokyew Mah-me bee-ye bah-ko mee pow-che-oo
Turkish Bir bira, lütfen Beer beer-ah luht-fen
Welsh Cwrw os gwelwch in dda Koo-roh ohs gwel-ookh-un-thah
Yiddish אב׳ר, ז״ט אזו׳ כוט A beer, zeit a-zoy goot

A public service from

the Esperanto League for North America, Inc.

For more information about Esperanto, call (800) ESPERANTO,
or write us at: or ELNA,
PO Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530

Esperanto: the international language that works. 2007 ELNA

indicates a graphic that we have not yet scanned. If you have another language to add to our list, please send a printed copy and phonetic transliteration to ELNA at the address above.

Thanks Esperanto!


Esperanto: The International Language that Works!