Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How to order a beer in 47 languages

These are not words from the Keeper himself, but words that need to be posted and presented to the KOGNation!

How to order a beer in 47 languages

A public service from the Esperanto League for North America

Of course, carrying on a conversation is harder than ordering a beer. To learn a language, you probably have to study for years. Unless you choose a language you can learn four times faster. One that two million people around the world speak, one with hundreds of books and magazines, music, and a culture of international friendliness. And beer. Want to learn more?

A printable PDF version has 26 common languages and fits on one page.

Afrikaans 'n Bier, asseblief A beer ah-suh-bleef
Basque Garagardo bat, mesedez Gara-gardo bat mese-des
Belarusian Ad-no pee-vah ka-lee lah-ska
Breton Ur banne bier am bo, mar plij Oor bah-ne beer am boh mar pleezh
Bulgarian Ed-na beer-ra mol-ya
Catalan Una cervesa, si us plau Oona servayzeh see oos plow
Chinese 请给我一杯啤酒 Ching gay woh ee bay pee joh
Croatian Jedno pivo, molim Yed-no pee-vo, mo-lim
Czech / Slovak Pivo, prosím Pee-vo, pro-seem
Danish Jeg vil gerne have en øl Yay vil geh-neh heh en url
Dutch Een bier, alsjeblieft Un beer, ahls-yer-bleeft
English One beer, please Wun beer, pleez
Esperanto Unu bieron, mi petas Oo-noo bee-airon, mee peh-tahs
Estonian Üks õlu, palun Ooks ur-loo, pah-lun
Finnish Olut mulle, kiitos O-loot moolek kee-tos
French Une bière, s'il vous plaît Oon bee-air, seel voo pleh
German Ein Bier, bitte Ine beer, bitt-uh
Greek Mee-a beer-a paraka-loh
Hungarian Egy pohár sört kérek Edj pohar shurt kayrek
Icelandic Einn bjór, takk Ay-dn byohr tahk
Irish Beoir amháin, le do thoil Byohr awoyn, lyeh doh hull
Italian Una birra, per favore Oo-na beer-ra, pair fa-vo-re
Japanese ビ一ルを一本下さい Bee-ru ip-pon ku-da-sai
Korean 맥주 한잔 주세요 Mayk-joo hahn-jahn joo-se-yoh
Latin Cervisiam, sodes Ker-wi-see-am, soh-dehs
Latvian Vienu alu, l≈´-dzu Vyeh-noo ah-loo, loo dzoo
Lithuanian Prašau viena alaus Pra-shau vie-na al-lows
Maltese Wiehed birra, jekk jghogbok Wee-het bir-ra yek yoh-dzbok
Norwegian En øl, takk Ehn url tahk
Occitan Una cervesa, se vos plai Oo-no serbeh-zo se bus ply
Polish Jedno piwo, proszƒô Yed-no peevo proshe
Portuguese Uma cerveja, por favor Oo-ma ser-vay-ja, poor fa-vohr
Romanian O bere, vă rog Oh beh-reh ver rohg
Romansch Ladina Üna biera, per plaschair.

Oo-nuh bee-air-uh per plah-chair

Russian –ü–∏–≤–æ, –ø–æ–∂–∞–ª—É–π—Å—Ç–∞ Ahd-na pee-vah pah-zha-loosta
Sardinian Una birra, po piaghere Oo-na beer-ra po pia-gehre
Scots Gaelic Leann, mas e do thoil e Lyawn mahs eh doh hawl eh
Serbian Yed-no pee-vo, mo-lim
Slovene Eno pivo, prosim Eno pee-vo pro-seem
Spanish (Lat. Am.) Una cerveza, por favor Oo-na ser-veh-sa, por fa-vor
Spanish (Spain) Una cerveza, por favor Oo-na thair-veh-tha, por fa-vor
Strine Foster's, mate Faw-stuhz, mayt
Swedish En öl, tack Ehn irl, tahk
Twi Mame beer baako, mi pawokyew Mah-me bee-ye bah-ko mee pow-che-oo
Turkish Bir bira, lütfen Beer beer-ah luht-fen
Welsh Cwrw os gwelwch in dda Koo-roh ohs gwel-ookh-un-thah
Yiddish אב׳ר, ז״ט אזו׳ כוט A beer, zeit a-zoy goot

A public service from

the Esperanto League for North America, Inc.

For more information about Esperanto, call (800) ESPERANTO,
or write us at: info@esperanto-usa.org or ELNA,
PO Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530

Esperanto: the international language that works. 2007 ELNA

indicates a graphic that we have not yet scanned. If you have another language to add to our list, please send a printed copy and phonetic transliteration to ELNA at the address above.

Thanks Esperanto!


Esperanto: The International Language that Works!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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