Sunday, December 7, 2008

You've been KOG'd!!! (12/06/2008)

So, the newest citizen of KOGNation is Hillary.

She was shy and did not let me put the video I wanted to put up here, so she agreed to this 6 second clip.

Just think...when you join the KOGNation you may get a visit from the Founder (ME) and I will come to your home and make for you an amazing meal on your own grill (if you don't have a grill, just as a back up I always bring my little webber...((Webber, do you want to sponsor me?))

When I got to Hillary's home she was surprised for sure, and was kind enough to let me onto her patio and make a horseradish and vodka infused steak with grilled mushrooms and a nice spinach salad.

Join the KOGNation at and you never know if I may just show up at your home and KOG you!

This is the KOGNation signing off and reminding you.... Don't let the heat control the meat!

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